Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh my goodness! I killed Borders!!!!!!

I need to make a public apology. I killed Borders. It was on the news the other night, and I knew it was completely my fault. The bookstore used to see the bulk of my paychecks when I was single. I had discovered Amazon, but there's still something special about wandering the stacks and discovering a new author or a new title by a favorite author. When we moved out of the city, the nearest Borders was a miniature version of the real thing. So I became and Amazon junky. Amazon LOVES me! I use Amazon for everything, even for reviews when shopping elsewhere. But, in the beginning, I bought books. And, I bought LOTS of them. Unfortunately, our hundred year old house, while big on charm, is short on storage. My hubby told me I had to pare down my collection. Uh-oh!

I started giving books away to friends, family, and charity, just so I could buy new books. Then, when the time came, I'd have to repeat the process just to buy more books. Can we say futile?!?! Things made a dramatic change when we got some wonderful news. We were having twins! But, that meant being even shorter on space, as we would eventually need two bedrooms for our boy/girl twins. Bye-bye office!

Enter Prince Charming, a.k.a. my wonderful husband. He surprised me at the beginning of summer 2009 with a Kindle, and my world changed forever. I carry a bookstore and my bookshelves in my purse. I can shop for new literary adventures from my bed at three in the morning. And, I never have to find a place to store another book! Wow! I told everyone I was only gong to buy electronic books from then on.

I know that people have mixed feelings about e-readers. I'm an addict. They are lightweight, pretty compact, and the font is adjustable. There is an abundance of variety, and I've broadened my scope of materia far more than I ever did in a bookstore. Plus, the prices are significantly lower. Bonus! People ask if I miss turning pages, holding a book in my hands, the smell of the pages and print. I don't. Not one bit.

Do I think e-readers, pads, and tablets will replace books? No. At least I hope not. Because, you see, I haven't been completely honest. I still buy books, just not for me. Thing 1 and Thing 2 have quite the collection going, and we're once again finding space to store all the books.