Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We Are The People In Your Neighborhood...

Growing up, I was always amazed that my dad knew someone, who knew someone, who could handle any problem that arose. That man had contacts I never knew existed! He knew them from school, the country club, his service organization, and the bar he owned. If you needed framing done, he knew someone. If you needed jewelry, he knew someone. If you needed wine imported, he knew someone. You get the picture.

I didn't realize how wide my neighborhood had become until yesterday. Without going into specific details, the hubby and I had some issues arise that required specific, well-informed feedback, that would set us on the right path. I sent two emails. Two. And within minutes of sending these, I had the responses I needed. Both began with the same message...stop...breathe. Two dear women, one a personal friend, and the other a professional colleague, jumped in and immediately offered all they had to give. CT and LD, you are AMAZING! I cannot thank you for all you did!

But that wasn't all. I posted on Facebook that I was having a craptacular day. Friends came out of everywhere to offer hugs, support, humor, a shoulder, whatever I needed. I was so touched! Who am I to have people respond so kindly?

It hit me today, this neighborhood thing. I've been building my neighborhood person by person. I've kept the important people and weeded out the harmful ones. Through Facebook, email, and face-to-face contact, I've surrounded myself with the most loving, caring, encouraging friends a person could ask for. I hope these people know that the feelings are reciprocated. "Just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come running...."

Friday, January 27, 2012

Life Got In The Way...

So, the last time I posted my husband had just fallen off a ladder, was off work, and pretty useless. (Sorry honey!) He's had an amazing recovery, is doing fantastically well, and has returned to work. You would think that his being home would have given me more time for this blog. Such was not the case! Life continued to get in the way.
My life is far from exciting, so why should I keep up with this? My friend TTC posted recently about why we write. I write for a lot of reasons: to vent, to escape, to get ideas from the universe, to talk to someone over the age of eight... So far, though, none of these has been a good enough reason to keep motivated and keep going. Life gets in the way.
I've decided not to beat myself up about it, but to give it another go. I'm a huge crafter, scrapbooking in particular. I'm going to steal an idea for KC, another friend. She's doing a pic a day blog that I really like. I'm aiming for a pic a month. LOL I'm hoping it will feel a little like virtual scrapbooking because I don't have time for the real deal.
So here it is, my first picture post. I'm a better photographer than writer anyway! We've been having some pretty bizarre weather lately. We had snow, sleet, and freezing rain last Saturday and Sunday. Then, Monday and Tuesday were both at or above 50 degrees.
Frozen ground+ice+warm air = FOG!
This was unlike any fog I've ever seen! You couldn't see our barn. While driving, you couldn't see the car in front of you, and you only saw a hint of traffic signals as you were right under them. But, Tuesday morning, the sun began to burn off some of the fog in the more populated areas. I happened to capture this shot in my school parking lot. I think it looks like something out of a dream or a horror movie. I haven't decided which.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wow! How Do Single Moms Do It?

I am not a single mom. I am blessed to have a husband that is actively involved in helping raise our twins. Unfortunately, two and a half weeks ago, he fell off a ladder at work and broke his shoulder and wrist...his right shoulder and wrist. He is not allowed to drive for now, and he is able to do little to help out. I am overwhelmed.

Single moms amaze me! Whether by choice, accident, or fate, single moms bear a heavier load than the rest of us. I can't imagine being everything to my family: breadwinner, counselor, chef, laundress, mechanic, carpenter, teacher, ....... The logistics are what's doing me in right now. I'm pretty good at getting us all up, ready, and out of the house in the morning. The daycare drop off is pretty smooth, too. My work days are 120% packed straight up until 4 pm. That's when trouble starts. I race from work to pick up the kids at daycare. We hop in the car and head home. They watch Sprout while I cook dinner, do dishes, and laundry. Then, it is bath and bedtime, theirs and mine. I'm not getting to spend the quality time I used to with them. That makes me sad. My two favorite little people are growing up so quickly, and right now, I don't get to be involved.

So, how do you do it? How do you get everything done and still fit in the books, cuddles, and activities? Any hints are welcome! Thanks!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh my goodness! I killed Borders!!!!!!

I need to make a public apology. I killed Borders. It was on the news the other night, and I knew it was completely my fault. The bookstore used to see the bulk of my paychecks when I was single. I had discovered Amazon, but there's still something special about wandering the stacks and discovering a new author or a new title by a favorite author. When we moved out of the city, the nearest Borders was a miniature version of the real thing. So I became and Amazon junky. Amazon LOVES me! I use Amazon for everything, even for reviews when shopping elsewhere. But, in the beginning, I bought books. And, I bought LOTS of them. Unfortunately, our hundred year old house, while big on charm, is short on storage. My hubby told me I had to pare down my collection. Uh-oh!

I started giving books away to friends, family, and charity, just so I could buy new books. Then, when the time came, I'd have to repeat the process just to buy more books. Can we say futile?!?! Things made a dramatic change when we got some wonderful news. We were having twins! But, that meant being even shorter on space, as we would eventually need two bedrooms for our boy/girl twins. Bye-bye office!

Enter Prince Charming, a.k.a. my wonderful husband. He surprised me at the beginning of summer 2009 with a Kindle, and my world changed forever. I carry a bookstore and my bookshelves in my purse. I can shop for new literary adventures from my bed at three in the morning. And, I never have to find a place to store another book! Wow! I told everyone I was only gong to buy electronic books from then on.

I know that people have mixed feelings about e-readers. I'm an addict. They are lightweight, pretty compact, and the font is adjustable. There is an abundance of variety, and I've broadened my scope of materia far more than I ever did in a bookstore. Plus, the prices are significantly lower. Bonus! People ask if I miss turning pages, holding a book in my hands, the smell of the pages and print. I don't. Not one bit.

Do I think e-readers, pads, and tablets will replace books? No. At least I hope not. Because, you see, I haven't been completely honest. I still buy books, just not for me. Thing 1 and Thing 2 have quite the collection going, and we're once again finding space to store all the books.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

My darling little girl is a chatterbox. She picks up on words quickly and loves to hear herself talk, and she loves talking to others. Our neighbor gave CLW a stuffed pink flamingo when she was born. Now, as strong as her speech is for almost 22 months, "flamingo" is just not in her vocabulary. Unfortunately for me, she loves the damn bird!

She has started taking the flamingo to bed with her. She loves to carry it around. She pretends to make it stand and dance. Tonight, she pretended to make it fly. No problems, right? WRONG! My hubby had just turned around from changing JTW when CLW swung the flamingo at them and shouted, "Fly fu**er!" Do you know how hard it was to NOT laugh and egg her on?!?! I almost died!

I can't send her to school in her flamingo tank top, and that bird sure as heck isn't going to mass with us any time soon! Mother of the Year right here! Ugh!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I know how to spell!

I know that mainly is spelled m-a-i-n-l-y. I did not make a mistake. I love Maine. My mom's family is from Maine. She had a business while I was in high school called Mainely Lobster. When she had a boat, it was called Mainely Mom's. Until she actually moved to Maine, her license plate actually read "MAINELY." So, I'm not a poor speller, I'm a word thief!

Maine is a different way of life. The pace is slower. The people are friendlier. The open spaces are wider. The air is fresher. I could go on and on. Eventually, we will move to Maine. My mother's house will become mine in the future.

My mother would like the move to happen sooner rather than later. She's talked of buying additional property just to give us the opportunity to become her neighbors. I had always thought I would be the one caring for my mother as she got older. (Not that she needs any care right now.) But, I'm not sure I can leave Maryland right now. My husband's family and my brother and his wife are nearby. Hubby and I both have good jobs with a great deal of seniority. We love our home and the area where we've chosen to live. But, we love Maine too. The decision isn't a reality at this point. We're not going anywhere anytime soon. But, the thought is always at the back of my mind. Could we do it? Would we do it? Should we do it? Hmmm...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Common Sense Ain't So Common (Otherwise known as "Here's your sign!" for those that know Bill Engvall)

I was picking up dinner tonight from a local restaurant. The girl in line behind me approached the cashier and recognized him. They chatted awhile and then she asked, "Do you work here?" HELLO!!! He's in uniform and working the cash register! What do you think? Ugh!

Lately, I feel like common sense isn't so common. I have daily encounters with people that are book smart and completely lost. I'm a teacher. I'm all for education. But, if your friends and family are constantly pointing out that which should be obvious, something's wrong. And for pete's sake, stay outta my way!